Summer offers a great time to hit the road with your family, but being stuck in a car for long periods of time tests any family’s patience. Tablets and movies are solutions for a period of time, but why not turn it old-school with some games!
For the Movie Lovers: The Movie Game
Begin by naming an actor/actress. Next player states a movie that they were in. Following person states another actor/actress from the named movie. The game continues until a player either answers incorrectly or reuses a previous name/title, they’re then eliminated. Last member standing wins!
For the Foodies: Regional Food Master
Along your road trip, stop in each regional area to find a locally-made snack. As a family you get the fun of finding such items, as well as the joy of sharing each new snack.
For the Story-Tellers: While You Were Sleeping
Once a passenger falls asleep, passengers will take turns crafting a story. Once awake, take turns getting them to believe the story. Keep track of points:
-1 point
Breaks Character while Telling Story
-2 points
If Someone Changes the Story, Ask Them “Are You Sure?”, the Mistaken Player’s Silenced and Loses Points
+3 points [for each story teller]
Successfully Fool the Sleeper
Steal All Others Current Points
The Sleeper Fools the Car & Joins the Story Correctly
Most points upon reaching your destination wins!
For the Music Lovers: Battle of the Bands
Pick a theme [ie. Songs about Cities]. Two contestants have 60seconds to pick a song and then play it. Riders will pick a winner. Tally up points at the end of game or your destination.
Do you have other favorite road trip games? Share them in the comments!
